Friday, August 1, 2014


Well with this post I thought I would take you on a trip in the train. It was one of my last shifts in Cloncurry before returning home to Brisbane. I am going to miss this ruggedly beautiful landscape, so we'll start off with a pic of a train leaving Phosphate Hill  and then a run down to Nelia from Cloncurry.
Empty acid train on the balloon loop at Phosphate Hill, on the right is the fertiliser load out.
Station Homestead, we call this place Bookin.
The whole region has been in the grip of a severe drought for a few years and there is just nothing in the paddocks for stock to eat as you will see over the next few photo's.

The Tree.

Mob of cattle at a small water hole, still don't know what they eat.
At the controls.

 View from the drivers seat.
Gilliat Channels.

Approach to Gilliat.

Crossing the Gidyea Bug Byway.

Leaving Gilliat.
Eastern Creek.

Gunjoola Cattle Yards just before Julia Creek.

Approaching Julia Creek.

Julia Creek Station.
Julia Creek Hotel, one of two in town.

 Windmill in the park.

Approach to Quarrells to cross a track machine.

Going across Spellery Creek.

Bridge over Corella Creek, the bridge on the left got to this stage of construction and no further. They left the site for the wet season and when they returned most of the pylons had either sunk or been washed away so they just left it and started again on the current one.
Old house near Nelia.

Nelia township, the post office and residence.

The Brolga's, the sculptures.

The Brolga's, the real thing.


Never get sick of the outback sunrises and sunsets.

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