Wednesday, August 6, 2014

One Last Look Around (from the past two years) Part 2

Hi All,
Continuing on with our one last look around we have some storms, sunrises and sunsets, a very rare little critter and Mary Kathleen Park.

We have lots of storms in Cloncurry in the summer season. A lot of them are dry storms, lots of thunder and lightning, wind but no rain. This pic is taken from our back porch and the colour is how the sun was filtering through the clouds.

Another storm on another day.

And one more, that's a road train at the bottom of the pic.
Sunset from the front veranda.

Sunrise from Oorindi about 60km east of Cloncurry.

Water tower at Oorindi.

Just needs a buff.
The Julia Creek Visitor Centre where this rare little critter lives.

The Julia Creek Dunnart is an endangered species and "Digby" as he is called is part of a breeding programme to try and bring them back from the brink of extinction. They are mammals about the size of a large mouse and as such are very prone to predators like the feral cats that abound the area. 

The new Information Centre and Museum at Mary Kathleen Park in Cloncurry. I mentioned in a previous post about the police station and gates from Mary Kathleen Township, this is where they are. 


Thirsty work being a Galah.

Lots of old machinery at the park.

The house is all packed up and we are ready to go back to Brisbane.

The last couple of days we spent in the Oasis Caravan Park until my last shift had finished.
The day we left it was raining after being so dry for so long. anyway its back to Brisbane for the next chapter in my train driving career. Catch ya later.

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