Monday, October 8, 2012

Fullarton Garnets

Hi All,
Today, Sunday the 16th of September sees us going to the Fullerton Garnet ridges. We head out of Cloncurry down the Landsborough Highway towards Winton about 62km where you reach the turnoff to Maronan Station on the Fullerton River. The owners of Maronan allow visitors to the garnet ridges as long as you only stay no more than 48 hours and take any rubbish home with you. They also ask that you light no fires for obvious reasons.
Maronan Station's Mail Box.
 The Garnet Hunters.  Gaye, Hannah, Joanne, Robyn.
It is about 20km into the garnet ridges and the station owner has the roads in not bad condition and well signposted, however caution is required at times.
 Hannah, Gaye and a big ant hill.
 A bore along the track.
We pulled into the base of the ridges, we were told the best places to find garnets was at the top of the ridges although you could find them at the base.
A walk along the track and a bit of a scratch, we picked up some pieces.
Ray, Gaye, Hannah and I made the climb to the top of the ridges.
Who is taking a picture of who Gaye.
Some fantastic views from the top.
Looking in the opposite direction to the previous shot.
The camping area at the garnet ridges.
Some of the spoils of our labour. We only scratched about where other people had been digging and probably only spent about an hour doing it so if you got fair dinkim you would do alright.
Sadly our weekend expeditions have come to an end. Ray and Gaye have gone home to Jimboomba and then on to continue their travels. The weather is getting hot here now and not suitable to be out in the sun for very long. We have another couple of posts we are working on so hopefully we will publish them in the near future. I hope you enjoy these last posts and we will catch ya later. 

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