Tuesday, August 5, 2014

One Last Look Around (from the past two years) Part 1

Hi All,
Well its time to have a last look around Cloncurry and surrounds before we make our way back to Brisbane and my new depot at Acacia Ridge. Thank you to all our friends old and new for making our stay so much more enjoyable and my radical change of career late in life so much easier.
This was home sweet home when we first arrived in Cloncurry.

Our railway house when we moved in. It took a lot of cleaning up.

Looking much better now.

A nice big backyard.

With a BBQ as well, we did many BBQ's and camp oven meals.
Friends from the Gold Coast came to stay for an awesome week.

HHA came to town.

Cloncurry's biggest festival is the Curry Merry Muster and it kicks off with a street parade.

Lots of floats and people.

And of course horses.
And some of the action from the rodeo.


Some of the wild life around our home. These guys had an argument to settle.
A pair of Red-Winged Parrots in a tree out the back.

Curious Butcher Bird.

This pair of Brolgas wandered around town all the time.

A Varied Lorikeet in the tree at the front of our house. They loved to eat the buds of the flowers.

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