Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Adels Grove and Lawn Hill National Park Part 2

Hi All,
Welcome to the next installment of our trip to Lawn Hill NP. We spent most of the day at Lawn Hill, it is just an amazing place situated in the most unsuspecting landscape. Lawn Hill NP or Boodjamulla NP as it is called today is approximately 290000 hectares national park and 130000 hectares as resource reserve, the park was gazetted in December 1984 and opened by the then premier of Queensland Mr. Joh Bjelke-Petersen, it was formerly part of Lawn Hill Station. The Aboriginal people (Waanyi), have lived in the area for 17000 years and called this place Boodjamulla meaning place of the Rainbow Serpent. Of course the main attraction in this area of the park is the Gorge that has formed over millions of years by Lawn Hill creek flowing through the sandstone and limestone  of the Constance Ranges, this creek as I have said before is spring fed and runs all year round. Also located in the park is the Gregory and O'Shannassy rivers that are also fed by the underground aquifers.
The Adels Grove air strip is across the road from Adels, this plane is privately owned by the owners of Adels and fly in and out supplies and visitors if needed. Most of their supplies come in by road in the dry season.
Entrance to the National Park.
Lawn Hill Creek.

This plaque is beside the creek and is in memory of a policeman Alfred Wavell who was shot and killed by Joe Flick a part aboriginal and the only recognised bush ranger in NW Queensland. Flick was later shot and killed in a siege shoot out.
Ferns, Pandanus and Cabbage Palms line the creek bank. Gorge wall is in the background.
Duwadarri Lookout only 440 metres, it doesn't say 400 metres of it is up a sheer rock face.
Yeah up there somewhere.
It was a big effort to get up here but the views are spectacular.
The eastern end of Lawn Hill Gorge.
Looking further east.
Looking west up the Gorge.
Looking east again.
Down below is the rangers accommodation and there is accommodation for school camps. Over on the left towards the top is the camp ground and rangers office.

 Along the track to Indarri Falls.
Not far now.
Indarri Falls.

The family in the boat below is the policeman from Burketown. They were camping at Adels Grove in the generator and pet friendly area.

The view from the falls lookout is spectacular.
This little guy wasn't at all concerned with us.
 On our way back to the car park, we walked about 2km further than we needed to because we got a bit lost, a well deserved beer was had when we arrived back at camp.
 This is part of the campground at Lawn Hill there is toilets and cold showers available. The skies are so blue.
This is the rangers office and the entrance to many of the walking tracks, you can hire canoes here and paddle up through the Gorge to Indarri Falls. You can also carry the canoes around the falls and continue on or slowly drift back down to Adels Grove and they will take the canoe back for you as you can hire them there as well.
Well I am going to bring you the home stretch through Riversleigh in another part soon, so it's cheers and bye for now.